Mountains Made of Sand

SANDSTONE The Pacific Northwest region of North America is known for its stunning and diverse geological features. Among these, sandstone stands out as one of the most interesting and distinctive types of rock formations in the area. Although it looks…

Ocean of Energy

The Ultimate Renewable Energy Resource    Although the only energy we think of when we are out sailing on Na’walak is the energy of the wind to propel us, the ocean can be a sizeable source of energy for civilizations’…

Long Live the King

Chinook (King) Salmon   The life cycle of a chinook (and all 5 species of Pacific salmon) salmon consists of several distinct phases, each with unique physical and behavioral characteristics. It is a complex and fascinating process that takes place…

Little Silver Fish

Eulachon and herring are all small, anadromous (spend part of their life in both fresh and salt waters)silvery fish found in Pacific North West waters, but there are some differences between them. While eulachon and herring share some similarities, they…

Resources: San Juan Islands

  Get Involved: The Center for Whale Research (CWR) is dedicated to the study and conservation of the Southern Resident killer whale (orca) population in the Pacific Northwest. Pacific Wild is a non-profit conservation organization that is committed to defending…

Recommended Reading

Orcas, Eagles & Kings: Georgia Strait & Puget Sound by Steve Yates   2. Spirit Bear Encounters With the White Bear of the Western Rainforest by Charles Russell, Andy Russell   3. The Last Wild Wolves: Ghosts of the Rain Forest by Ian…

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